NUCLIO Trust is a project developed by NUCLIO to support global causes through citizen engagement and donations. Our main mission is to bring equality and inclusion in education and provide equal opportunities for all students of the world. We believe that education is the key for a sustainable and peaceful future and that through education we can provide all young minds the fundamental pillars of humanity. Through the NUCLIO Trust we aim to support valuable causes in the field of education and beyond.

NUCLIO Trust is about engaging the public in donations but most of all is about bringing awareness and opening the doors for any citizen to propose a cause and achieve their humanitarian goals.

Through the NUCLIO Trust, anyone can propose a cause and find help in achieving the citizen support they need. If you want to donate to an existing cause, search our donation opportunities or propose a new cause through our form.

NUCLIO’s team has already supported teacher training and development in education in over 100 countries with training actions involving over 50 000 teachers all over the world.

What is NUCLIO?

NUCLIO is a non-profit association created in 2001 that is devoted to teacher training and innovation in education. The team is formed by a group of scientists, researchers, educators and teacher trainers specialized in different scientific domains as well as in innovation in education, science education, psychology of education, science outreach, among other fields. NUCLIO’s mission is to bring innovation and development in education to all parts of the world and promote an inclusive, diverse and holistic education for all. We believe that education is the main pilar of evolution and should not be subjected to political boundaries or any limitations. Education is the most powerful tool we own to provide young people with the basis of a humanitarian, peaceful and respectful way of living. To achieve this, NUCLIO develops, coordinates and participates as partner in several national and international educational projects. To learn more about NUCLIO, visit the website.

Note: the website is currently in Portuguese only, but it will soon be available in English too. In the meantime, we apologize for the inconvenience and advise that you can use your browser translation capabilities to see it in English or in your own language.